About Us

I can’t remember not having a Weight Loss Concern! Growing up I never really had much of a choice. You see, my mother (Peaches) was constantly dieting, which meant the family was constantly, grudgingly dieting. Not that we didn’t need to. While my Dad never seemed to have any weight issues, I grew up thinking “Husky” was a brand.

Baseball has always been a passion. While attending Capital University I did manage to stay in shape just enough to be a pretty bad ball player. (after being “beaned” I could never hit a curve ball)

Music has always been an essential part of my life. I served as Instrumental Music Director in Dayton Public Schools for over 30 years. I loved my students. I became immersed in their interests, goals, and problems. Weight concern was the common thread for many. (kids can be cruel to kids) As I became acquainted with many of my students, they would confess how their weight concerns had become a major challenge to their everyday lives, even negatively effecting their self-esteem. By the way, teachers have a very difficult job. (I should know, because I taught for over 30 years!) Why not surprise them with a shirt that they will truly enjoy! JUST GO HERE FOR SPECIAL SHIRTS FOR TEACHERS!


Performing allows me to interact with great numbers of people. Personal appearance is the number one complaint of many folks I converse with on a daily basis.

So, you see, when I say “I’m so happy you’re here”- it is very sincere! It is my hope that something on my site motivates you enough to “get healthier.” We’re here to motivate – as well as facilitate, captivate, advocate, accommodate and even celebrate your weight loss journey. And when set backs occur, we may even serve to mediate – to get you back on track!

Well, It’s happy hour somewhere – Here’s to your great success as you begin your quest for a happier, healthier lifestyle!

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